Transfer Preferences

Use this procedure to select preferences for One-Touch Transfer time delay, KODAK Picture CD slide show, device detection, and destination folder.

1. In My Collection, choose Tools Preferences and then click the Transfer tab.

2. Select any of the following.

u One-Touch Transfer time delay. From the Set transfer to begin after drop-down menu, select the number of seconds the Transfer Countdown window remains open before the transfer process begins.

Selecting No Delay transfers the pictures as soon as the device is detected. To display the Transfer Countdown window on future transfers, select a time from the drop-down menu.

u KODAK Picture CD slide show. By default, a slide show of the pictures on the CD is played when EasyShare software is running and the CD is inserted into the CD-ROM drive. To bypass the slide show, clear Play a slide show when KODAK Picture CD is inserted in the CD-ROM drive.

u Device detection. By default, all devices are selected. If you do not want a device detected when it is connected to your computer, clear the check box. To reset the device, choose Tools Preferences. Click the Transfer tab and then select the device check box.

u Destination folder. By default, pictures are transferred to My Pictures\Kodak Pictures\transfer date. To change the location, click Browse, and select the drive and folder where you want to transfer the pictures.

3. Click Apply and then click OK.